Information System and Decision Making Skills

Some businesses like Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are sprouting and thriving in the past years with high competition at stake. In order to survive, one must undergo successful business transformation and innovation. With the advent of technology, Information System plays a vital role in leveling the competition among these businesses. To cope with the  demand, managers should be aware of the game changing impact of Information System and how it will be use in decision making supported with necessary skills.

A busy business district at Hong Kong. August, 2016

In making decision relevant to Information System, managers should possess necessary skills to effectively participate in the process.  According to Robert L. Katz,  managers need three critical skills in managing a business/organization namely technical, human, and conceptual skills. These skills are essential in managing an organization as a whole. But for an organization to engage with Information System, I have narrowed three skills a manager should possess.

Strategic Thinker

A manager shobusiness_binder_pa_500_clr_4298-1uld plan ahead and predict what will going to happen in the future. Lets take for example a manager involved in an SME. To ensure the survival of the business, innovation in the process and product development take place. To align with these demands, Information System should also be consider. Should there be an expansion of the business, an upgrade from a simple spreadsheet to a transaction processing system is just appropriate.

stick_figure_scribble_pen_500_clr_6418Good Organizer

Information System encompasses IT Infrastructures integrated with employees and procedures. Thus, a manager should know how to put things accordingly. It involves the process of determining what needs to be done, how it will be done, and who is to do it.

Team Player

And lastly, in implementing innovation as a change, a manager should be able to communicate with other people. It could be the IT Specialist who will help develop the required project, the workers who will serve as the end users or even the business owners who will fund the project.


Overall, Information System is a competitive advantage and businesses especially SMEs should consider the impact of technology in making decision and how it adds up value to the customers. Managers should continually update their skills to adapt in the changing world. 

You don’t wanna end up like this:

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10 thoughts on “Information System and Decision Making Skills

  1. TheSmartCookie says:

    SMEs could benefit a lot from IT systems, True. One concern however would be the cost of setting up an IT system and the potential maintenance costs in the future, but if benefits outweight the cost, i say give it a go. Good write up. I followed your blog. So is this weekly or monthly? Thanks.

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